Hotel Spree Balance

Wellness treatments

Everything that delights your heart, is good for your body, caresses your soul.


Book your time to relax! Our experienced wellness staff will be happy to assist you individually on the course of your personal treatment.

Time for partial body massageHead, face & neck or back or feet & legs
30 Min / 45 EUR
Time for full body massage
50 Min / 75 EUR
Time for full body massage with head and face
80 Min / 85 EUR
Time for an activating/ stress-relieving cupping massage
40 Min / 50 EUR
Time for a foot reflexology massage
60 Min / 70 EUR

Our massages are wellness and relaxation applications. They are not a substitute for medical, non-medical or therapeutic services. All massage times include an appropriate rest period.
Please note our cancellation policy.

Have you already found the right treatment for you? Then ask directly for an appointment!

Further massages

Give your body something nice, so the soul wants to live inside it.

Hot stone massageEnjoy the soothing warmth of the volcanic stones on your skin. In conjunction with fragrant oils, tensions are released and blood circulation is stimulated.
Back & legs40 Min / 55 EUR
Full body70 Min / 85 EUR
Energy massage according to the Ayurveda methodAyurveda, the “knowledge of eternal life”, is the oldest healing art in the world. This massage is characterized by its gentle type of massage with plenty of warm massage oil. It has a beneficial, relaxing effect and supports inner peace and balance.
Partial body 30 Min / 55 EUR
Full body90 Min / 110 EUR
Herbal stamp massageThis beneficial wellness heat application with special herbal stamps is known for its invigorating, regenerating and relaxing effect. This treatment eases tension and reduces stress.
Back & legs30 Min / 54 EUR
Full body50 Min / 95 EUR
Children’s massage – for little connoisseurs …Back
20 Min / 28 EUR

Please note our cancellation policy.

Arrive and relax. Book your treatment comfortably before your arrival!

Skin Care Treatments

Body Peeling

Coffee – orange peelingEnjoy a gentle peeling with a scented composition of coffee and orange. The contained caffeine has a stimulating effect and promotes blood circulation. The nourishing orange oil with its skin-tightening and relaxing effect is a boon for body and soul.
Salt – linseed oil peelingWith its coarse grain, the salt has a fabulous cleaning effect. It removes old skin particles with very high precision and gives a mild freshness in connection with the linseed oil. The organically grown linseed oil helps the skin to heal itself.
Rahima PeelingExcellent for the care of dry, cracked, but also normal skin. It has a re-greasing effect, moisturizes and protects the skin from negative influences.
je 30 Min40 EUR

Please note our cancellation policy.

Full Body Treatments

Honey care packThe sweet scent of honey gives you soothing relaxation and the nourishing properties are a pure relaxation program for stressed and dry skin. Nourishing ingredients strengthen the skin and make it look fresh and healthy.
Medicinal chalk packThe possible effects include stimulation of the cardiovascular system and metabolism,
promoting blood circulation and deacidification as well as strengthening the immune system.
Linseed oil care packEnjoy a makeover for your skin. Give your skin more elasticity and give it regeneration through valuable ingredients. Very suitable for dry and oily skin.
30 min each40 EUR

Please note our cancellation policy.

Appointment request

Request an appointment for your travel dates today, free of charge and without obligation. You can also choose from our cosmetic treatments for her and him or from our wellness arrangements!